Singup fb
Is it possible to signup in Facebook without an email id?
up vote 6 down vote favorite
I have a question about Facebook signup. I need to know the possibility of signing up with any mobile phone number or any other way without giving an email id. It is important because I am developing a fb app in which users email is a must. Or is it possible to signup with an email id later remove that id from account?
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Is it possible to signup in Facebook without an email id?
up vote 6 down vote favorite
I have a question about Facebook signup. I need to know the possibility of signing up with any mobile phone number or any other way without giving an email id. It is important because I am developing a fb app in which users email is a must. Or is it possible to signup with an email id later remove that id from account?
Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. Avoid asking multiple distinct questions at once. See the How to Askpage for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.
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