How to Permanently Delete a Facebook Account: 6 Steps
This wikiHow teaches you how to delete your Facebook account with no option of retrieving it later. You cannot perform this process from the Facebook mobile app.
1.Go to Facebook's deletion page. In a web browser, navigate to by typing it into the address bar and pressing ↵ Enter.
If you are not automatically logged in, enter the email address or phone number and password for your account, then click Log In. It's a blue button in the middle of the page.
2.Click Delete My Account. It's below the warning message in the middle of the page. Clicking it invokes a pop-up window.
3.Enter your password again. You'll do so in the "Password" field at the top of the window.
4.Type in the captcha code. This code is the jumble of letters and numbers in the middle of the window; you'll type your answer into the field below the code.
If you can't read the code, you can click either the Try another text or the an audio captcha link below the code to generate a new one.
5. Click OK. This will submit your code. If it's correct, another pop-up window will appear.
If you incorrectly entered your password or captcha code, you'll be asked to try again.
6.Click OK to delete your account. It's at the bottom of the pop-up window. Total account deletion can take up to 14 days, but your account will be gone from Facebook after that time frame.
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Go to the account page and click the ellipses button next to "Message." Then, click the option that says "Report." You can then report the page as someone pretending to be you. Facebook will remove the page shortly afterwards.
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You can download your account data by going to Settings, clicking General, and clicking the Download a copy link below the bottom option on this page.
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