How to do a poll on Facebook Status
Type in a title for your poll. Your poll's title should succinctly express the context for your poll.
For example: a poll asking for people's favorite animals might be named "Pick Your Favorite Animal" (or just "Favorite Animal?").Click Continue. It's below the title field.
Click Continue as [Your Name] when prompted. This will allow the "Poll" app to access your Facebook page.
Click + Add Question. It's near the middle of the page, to the left of the blue Next: Preview button.
Type in a question. You'll do so in the "Question" field at the top of the window.
For the above example, you would type "What's your favorite animal?" here.
Text Box - Poll participants will manually type in an answer.
Multiple Choice - One answer - Poll participants will select one answer from a list of multiple answers.
Multiple Choice - Multiple answers - Poll participants will select one or more answers from a list of multiple answers.
Drop-down list - Poll participants will click a box and then select one answer from a list.
Ranking - Poll participants will select each item in order of how items apply to them or the question.
Scale of 1 to 5 - Poll participants will choose a number from 1 through 5 ("poor" through "excellent", by default).
For the animal example, you'd likely choose a drop-down list, a multiple-choice (one answer) list, or a text box.
Fill in an answer. The format of your answer will depend on the question type you chose:
Text Box - Click the box under "Data type" to select the type of input you'll accept, from a single line of text to email addresses and phone numbers.
Multiple Choice/Drop-down list/Ranking - Enter the text to display next to a checkbox in the field below the "Answers" heading. Click Add Answer to add another option, or click Add "Other" to add a text field.
Scale of 1 to 5 - Select a scale ranking by clicking the box next to "1" or "5" and then typing in a label.
You can also click the red circle to the right of some answers to delete them.
Customize the question's advanced options. To do so, click the box to the left of one or both of the following options if necessary:
This is a mandatory question - Poll participants will not be able to proceed with the poll until they answer this question.
Randomize answers order - Changes the order of questions each time the poll is taken. Doesn't apply to certain answer types (e.g., scale of 1 to 5).
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