facebook previous name
Get previous name changes in facebook graph api
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Get previous name changes in facebook graph api
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I'm looking for a graph API that returns me a list of previous name that were changed by the user. One Way to do it manually is by going to Settings of your profile -> Download a copy of your Facebook data. In the HTML files obtained it clearly mentions the previous names changed.
My question is there a graph API for the same ??
There are fields for name, first name and last name. You can only subscribe to updates, but afaik there is no way to get past changes. But since you are required to use your real name on Facebook, it should not happen very often - unless you marry a lot ;)
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2 years, 9 months ago
Get previous name changes in facebook graph api
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Get previous name changes in facebook graph api
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up vote 0 down vote favorite
I'm looking for a graph API that returns me a list of previous name that were changed by the user. One Way to do it manually is by going to Settings of your profile -> Download a copy of your Facebook data. In the HTML files obtained it clearly mentions the previous names changed.
My question is there a graph API for the same ??
There are fields for name, first name and last name. You can only subscribe to updates, but afaik there is no way to get past changes. But since you are required to use your real name on Facebook, it should not happen very often - unless you marry a lot ;)
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2 years, 9 months ago
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